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Since  I was young, I've always had an appreciation for typefaces and their styles. I would hand-draw and recreate them, or even use them to display famous quotes or lyrics for my 2015 amateur Instagram account. Since then, I've introduced myself to digitial drawing and have increased my passion for logo design due to the representation it holds for people and companies. Over the years, I've continued learn more about the effects of fonts with colour and display, and how important they are for catching the eye of potential targeted audiences, while also best illustrating the purpose and what to expect from the product it labels.


Below are a few examples of work:

Sophie Pitt Design, Logo for Website

While creating my website, I was aware I needed a logo that would best represent me as a designer, but also incorporate my personality. The top row is the fonts I narrowed down to - I preferred the solid, 'display' style typefaces better as they're softer, more fun and quirky, compared to the more sans serif style on the far right. For colour, I felt the first few examples on the second row were too overwhelming for the initials logo - the pink, cream, green and yellow work together really well. Alternatively, for the larger full title, I enjoyed the full pop of colours and warping effect, all completed on Adobe Illustrator - it makes it nostalgic, playful and youthful, while still maintaining professionalism with the cleaner sans serif subtext curved above and below

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becca horse logo progress.png

Thomas Physio, Logo for Veterinary Physiotherapist

In the spring of  2021, I was commissioned by Becca Thomas, a newly qualified veterinary physiotherapist, to create a logo for her small, upcoming business treating dogs, horses and on occasion, humans. We organised a meeting where we discussed her vision in person - Miss Thomas was heavily inspired by line drawings and wanted to connect all three patients into one drawing. I took to the web for examples, seen on top row, where I was able to create some drawings of a person, horse and dog - joining them together was a challenge but I was impressed with the final result and by the appearance of connectivity and togetherness. A monospaced, san serif typeface was advised by myself for the company name, joined with a geometric style for the description. 

Weighty Matey, Logo for Sensory Companion Pillow

During my MA design course, I was asked by a class mate, Ruby, to collaborate with her and design a logo for her product - helping young children who are experiencing autism. Preferably, she wanted the product to appeal to children in school between the age 4 and 12. The product was a large weighted pillow with long limbs to help mimic a hug, something to make people feel safe and calm. While Ruby wanted the product logo to be fun-looking for young people, I reminded her that the products main purchasers will be adults, such as parents and those working in education, so therefore still needs to appeal to them too in terms of probity, but also making it evident who the main targeted user is. Primary colours were used primarily to represent the young audience, as well as the display typeface looking off-centred and mischievous to tie in with the playfulness of young people.

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